Sunday, September 12, 2010

Describe the Protagonist in your book-qualities that they have, including physical description, and personality. Use exact examples (quotes) from your book to support!

In my book the protagonist is called Bonnie. Bonnie is very curious because otherwise she wouldn't have broken into the garden in the first place or gone on the hot air balloon. That also shows that she is also very confident because if I were in her position, first I wouldn't have ran away at the start but also if I did then I would not break into somebody else's garden or their house. "Bonnie heard then coming and slid down the pole on the balcony and then ran out the her front gate to the forestry area in front of her house. She kept running and running all the while hearing grandbag and Doreen shouting her name." This quote shows two things that she is very physical and she can do many active things. This is also another example of confidence because she had the confidence to just leave and run away from grandbag and Doreen, I would have stopped if I were her and just ran back home. I think that Bonnie has many qualities such as she was able to ran so fast away from home and find a way to get through the wall without even knowing where she was, she found a spot with no rocks covered by poison ivy and went through to find a magnificent garden owned by Michael who she meets later on in the book.