Monday, November 28, 2011

Equality between Men and Women is the Way to Go

'You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman.'  ~Jane Galvin Lewis. This quote tells us that if you are proud of being a women then it doesn't mean that you have something against men, it just means that you believe in yourself. Women have been discriminated because of their gender in past years, this is because a lot of men think that that they are superior to women. But really this is not the case, we (as women) shouldn't be put down or judged because of who we are, we should be given the same chances and the same rights as men.  There are cases of when women were discriminated because on their gender all throughout history, even in our society today. I would be a disappointment to our race if in the future women are still being treated in the same way as they have been in the past and present years. We have to fight for our rights, as women. Equality between men and women is the way to go.

 Before, in the United States and in other countries, women didn't even have the right to vote. They were stuck at home as housewives, waiting until their husbands returned from work and they would then wait on their families needs. Though women fought for the right to vote for several years before, on the day of the elections of 1920 millions of American women exercised their right to vote for the president. This idea was called the Women's Suffrage Movement, it was all activities/protests to change laws that stated that women could not have the ballot or hold office. To this day there has been no female American President but then again Barack Obama was the first black president, so why is it so hard to believe that a women could be president? It is evident that women are being treated with more respect nowadays than before but that doesn't mean that women aren't being discriminated in present times. 

 In this day and age its upsetting to hear about how women in Saudi Arabia are being treated. They are not allowed to drive, in fact it is forbidden for women to drive. The only way they can get around town, other than walking, is if their relative, family or friend drives them. However, this relative must be a man. That means that they can't take taxis, buses or get rides from people they don't know. This year a women was found driving and was sentenced to be lashed 10 times, as you can see they take this law is taken very seriously and some believe that they take it a bit too seriously. I agree with these people. There is actually no written law stating that women can't drive its more of a religious view that if they give freedom of movement to women then they would be vulnerable to sins. But this is just an excuse for the government to stay in their regressive ways and not change for the better. I think that if we are to be moving into a more developed society then we have to give equality to all, no matter their race, gender or culture.

 Amelia Earhart is known to many as the Women's Rights activist, she believed that women should be treated equally to men. Earhart proved her point by showing America, and the world, that women could, as men did, handle machinery, other than the day-to-day house hold appliances. She first found her passion for flying at a flight show that her father took her to. She then had lessons and soon learned how to fly a plane alone. Though she wasn't the first women to fly a plane she was an inspirational women that took pride in her beliefs. As you could probably tell, she was doubted and shot-down by many, but she stood firm in her convictions and went on to bring change in society. She inspired others to take action and pursue their dreams and by doing this proving to the world that women are also capable of adventure, that they are capable of doing the things that only men, in that time, were doing. 

 In the future I imagine a society in which women are treated equally among men. They are given the same rights and are allowed to do what they want when they want to. They shouldn't be forced to live up to the expectations of society and go with the flow of things. As women, we need to take a stand for our rights. If we are to become a society in which men and women are treated equally we must respect each other and show the same amount of respect to both genders. But we can only do this if men and women and treated equally. Men are usually seen as the superior gender or the stronger gender, however, people are not seeing that it is a known fact that women can multi-task and men can't, so why should we be treated as we are being treated? The women in Saudi Arabia deserve the same amount of rights as any other man in that country. But still they are discriminated, we need to stop thinking in such regressive ways, we are always talking about moving forward in technology but we must also move forward as a society and the best way to do that is to collaborate with each other. We have to work together and women shouldn't be discriminated for being weaker or having less potential, our society is moving forward at an alarming rate and so we have to realize that equality between men and women is the only way to go.